
Winter Solstice Astrology – 0º Sun in Capricorn!

The shortest day of the year, bringing light into the darkness!

Discover facts about the links of astrology in the Winter Solstice…

The official midpoint of winter, winter solstice It is the middle of a cold, dark, and bleak season.

This time and winter begin Halloween (or Samhain). From an astrological point of view, the timing of activities is the migration of the sun Capricorn, the last earth sign. Here we have experienced Transfer energy…

Broadly speaking, we can consider Capricorn Season It’s time to think about longevity, how we can ascend and rise up the mountain, climb and be visible throughout the world!

Capricorn is Basic twelve zodiac signs (such as Aries, Cancer and Libra), these are all Turning point The twelve houses instigateand motivation Take action; Aries with a new starting point and a passion for a new starting point, cancer tends to find safety and place, motivated to connect at an intellectual level, Capricorn, towards longevity, maintaining a tangible building that continues over time.

During the winter solstice, the sun is at its closest point, closest to the Earth’s equator, and travels the shortest path in the sky. Therefore, it has the least daylight (it’s the “shortest day of the year”) – always happening around December 21st, with the sun directly in The tropical areas of Capricorn (a line of a circle of latitude).

It’s a great time to feel traction and a sense of success, showing awareness of what you work for – not only your career and career, but also through the principles of what you do and how to encounter. You develop from the “starting point” and a sense of accomplishment, towards real things – your true north!

Capricorn seasons reflect ideally on our goals and ambitions.

Meditation and consider your reputation, and what you have built over time…

It’s definitely a year to bring light into the darkest corners – announcing that we can overcome the dark shadows of winter with bright, surely warm light.

Read more How to celebrate Saturnalia from December 17 to 23.


The winter solstice is One of the quarters In the calendar, the other quarter of the day is:

  • spring equinox,
  • Summer solstice (also known as midsummer)
  • and fall (fall or fall).

Yule – Mark the moment!

There is a solar festival for every day in the fourth quarter: Ostara, Litha, Mabon and Yule.

Winter Solstice and Yula celebration (twelve days) festival. Yule from December 21 (Winter Solstice) to January 1. We know and love Christmas and Christmas celebrations predated by Yuletide.

“Yule Time” is Beautiful season Good news!

Why celebrate the Yule tide? Because you have twelve days!

This is 5 ways to celebrate the winter solstice fine

Or, last year’s best seasonal celebration…

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