Weekly Astrology Forecast – February 24, 2025

Here are greetings for the astrologer’s weekly astrological predictions, which are from February 24, 2025 to March 2, 2025:
We have a lot to do this week, two planets (Mars and Venus) have changed directions, five planets can be seen in the night sky, and a new moon (plus 5 other corpses), and other things.
Mars is standing still as we start this week on Mondayjust spent the last two and a half months to perform retrograde exercise. While Mars is much more comfortable than moving backward, it will take until May 3 to cross the shadow point and be advanced in full swing.
Mars turns directly to see you move forward again. It’s like making plans for your future, rather than sticking to past mistakes. Or start a new project instead of trying to breathe life into a project that doesn’t work completely for the first time. It’s a good thing to pursue your goals – especially once Mars leaves cancer and moves back to Leo (April 20).
Mars is not satisfied with cancer, which is a sign of a cancer fall. Since Mars is essentially about energy, action, and claims, it has no idea how to deal with itself in the natural passive realm of cancer. If you have witnessed conflicts with others over the past few months, especially those involved in distortion, misunderstanding, passive aggression, defensiveness, overreaction, and more, you can blame all of this on the Mars retrograde of cancer. But now, as Mars moves forward again, you should start to see many tricky emotional murmurs replaced by more confident, straightforward and direct actions and reactions.
If you know which House Mars rule is in the birth chart, you can see if this is an area that has been working on for the past few months. This may be an area where you can’t seem to be successful, or you feel like you’ve taken one step forward, two steps forward. You also want to check out the House House Mars now transfers for you. You can expect to improve again in certain areas and gain momentum again.
Mercury fusion Saturn Tuesday. In this regard Even in the mysterious poetic Pisces, focus on energy and discipline. This is a good thing for making plans and ironing aside important details. From a more practical point of view, it also clears spider webs and sees things. You may be stuck in any research you are doing, involving science or step-by-step analysis.
During this time, those who want to have casual or superficial conversations may feel impatient. You will be more interested in serious discussions about practical issues. But please try not to take everything so seriously, because this aspect can also be manifested as pessimism or Moses.
The sign of mercury weakens mercury because it is currently placed in Pisces, which is a sign of its fall and damage. But this is in mutual reception with Jupiter, which helps alleviate some disconnection. Beyond that, there are many positive properties related to mercury in Pisces. More thinking about one thing can improve intuitive and psychological abilities, as well as more vivid dreams, compassion and compassion for others, and a more creative or visionary stream of consciousness. The combination of Saturn can take root.
Wednesday’s The moon in Aquarius forms the three-minute line (or 120° aspect) of Jupiter. While this is the only major aspect of the moon today, you can hardly ask for better. Both planets are in the air signs – the moon with innovative and progressive Aquarius and Jupiter in diplomatic and objective Libra – the focus should be on harmonious interactions with like-minded people, as well as more forward-looking exchange of ideas.
But, early in the day, all the brainstorming is done, as the moon will certainly be invalid later in the evening until it moves around Pisces before dawn the next morning. Of course, the moon is a common thing. It marks the time between the moon’s last aspect of a sign and the next sign. It is usually not the time to make a decision or try to determine a limited plan.
Mercury is six-yuan Uranus Thursday. As Uranus says is the higher octave of mercury, which brings them together in harmony (VI), thus giving a higher awareness of the more natural pathway. This is a better mousetrap aspect, especially in these two planets in female signs (Pisces and Taurus, respectively).
Mercury/Uranus Serptions are perfect for brainstorming and thinking outside the box. This is very useful for increasing efficiency and productivity. It opens the door for you, you never expect it to open. It can increase your chances of expanding your consciousness and enlarging your mind.
We have a new month Friday at 9° Pisces 40′. To be exact at 12:44 a.m. UT (or 8:44 p.m. Thursday).
It is a loving, compassionate, creative and highly impressed moon. It can increase mental awareness and make you more susceptible to external influences.
This is mysterious and ethereal, but it can also be very childish. It is not good at filtering out negative or harmful information, so it is easy to be deceived.
Since new satellites always represent a new starting point and a chance to start over, this idealistic Pisces provides us with the opportunity to explore our most inner dreams. This is a very feminine, quite otherworldly crescent moon. We can make the most of this energy by thinking about what makes the most sense and what it can do to cultivate it during this time.
Throughout the late stages of the week, there are a series of planets in the night sky after sunset, but are most visible on Friday Saturday. During this period, starting above the western horizon and then arching upwards, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter should all be visible. Uranus, Neptune, Chiron and North Node are also in that lineup, although they are not visible to the naked eye.
Also on Saturday, the moon enters Aries and receives each other with Mars. Even if the two planets are not connected through aspects, mutual acceptance can enhance the bond between the two planets. In this case, the moon is first combined with Venus (by conjunction) and then applies to Mars’ square later in the day. This may indicate increased sexual desire and a more obvious sexual appetite, which may then be destroyed by the square of Mars.
Mercury combines North Node and Neptune Sundayjust like the square of the sun. Connections of mercury nodes can indicate meaningful interactions, resulting in a large connection, so you should be careful. You want to pay attention to what you say and how you say it. Mercury represents communication, and the node is said to be essentially karma. Add Neptune to the mix and you may find yourself conveying your thoughts psychologically. Be aware of what you put there as it can have a long-term impact.
The Sun/Jupiter Square can see you feel so wide and so crowded that you end up biting more than chewing or promising than you offer. A combination of passion and kindness can make you think you can do more. Even though your heart may be in the right place, places you can’t follow can bring you into hot water.
This aspect is known for over-indulgence, over-expansion and over-commitment. In other words, let everything be overdo.
Also on Sunday, Venus is still in the 50’Aries static retrograde. From an astrological perspective, retrograde motivates us to review, revisit, refine and resolve challenges, which prevents us from progressing in areas related to the planet involved.
They may be related to business that has not been completed in previous lives, or they may refer to the repetitive patterns in our current life. Either way, the presumption that that planet is Venus is the challenge facing is love and relationship challenges. This includes the scope of the entire “relationship”: romance, family, society, etc.
Venus has less retrograde time than any other planet: in its 584-day session cycle, there are only about 41 days. The cycle itself either starts from the lower connection (when Venus happens to be between the Earth and the Sun), rises in geology (the point first visible on the eastern horizon – about 10 days after the lower connection), or the superior connection (when the Sun is between Venus and Earth, about 216 days, about 2.00 days between Venus and Earth).
Sacred geometric shapes: From a sun-centered perspective, this is what Venus’ religious cycle looks like. The transition between Venus and Earth – reversed every time it is occupied by Venus by the Earth – creates amazing vein patterns that repeat themselves indefinitely.
During its conference cycle, Venus spent 263 days as the star of the morning. Then it wasn’t visible at all for about 50 days (due to its proximity to the sun). It then appeared again in the sky at night for 263 days, disappeared again in the last 8 days, then rose and started again.
Since Venus’ meeting period corresponds to the Earth’s orbit period at a ratio of 5:8, the period was repeated five times over an 8-year period.
This also applies to your own birth of the Sun and Venus relationship. That’s why you’ll get both the sun returns and the Venus returns on about the same day (around the birthday).
Venus weakens in the sign of Aries’ fall. It will remain in Aries until it reverses to Pisces on March 28. And, since it must appear again in a retrograde world, it will turn around and reenter Aries on May 1.
Don’t be surprised if during this time, the circling side of old lovers, or if you start to feel the urge to get in touch with people from the past. If so, remember that this will be more about solving unfinished business or typing loosely, and once Venus develops directly, you may see things change again.
That’s it. See you next week!
This is the Astro calendar for this week. Click it to view at full size.
Consider learning astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s chart explanation manual and Demetra George’s astrology.
Steven Forrest’s Inner Sky and Change Sky Books are classics that every serious astrologer has in the library, as are Tracy Marks’ art of graphical interpretation.
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Weekly astrology predictions
February 24, 2025 – March 2, 2025
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