Lunar eclipse in Virgo – What’s happening around

exist March 14, 2025we have one Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo. This is an incredible solar eclipse!
First, it’s a Total foetuswhich means it is stronger than some solar eclipse. We will feel this deeply. It’s one South Festival Eclipsemeaning Result-orientedbringing long-term production resolutions.
Many people focus more on solar eclipses because they look more dramatic or versatile. But, Lunar eclipse – All-Weiyue on Steroids – When things actually happen in tangible concrete terms.
Then North Jie Diet It may sound more attractive (considering the North Node’s link to life purpose and future growth), this is Nanjie Diet That brings Real resolution.
Nanjie diet like this is when the karma is mature, and the event finally unfolds.
This does not mean that each of us will have major events in a Virgo lunar eclipse. everything Depends on our birth chart and whether we have sensitive points (Luminaries, Chart Ruler, angle) very close to the extent of Eclipse (Virgo or other variable symbols: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces).
But what this lunar eclipse will bring to most of us is a kind of “This has run. Now let’s keep moving forward.transparent
Have you ever felt trapped in a never-ending spiral, constantly circulating around the same thing? These stages – when we deal with, reflect on, and even obsess with something – are necessary Because this is when growth occurs.
But we can’t stay in that space forever. At some point, Some things have to be transferred.
This is what the solar eclipse does. Solar eclipses – especially those of Southern dieting – are the “enough” era. The solar eclipse brings much-needed solve. This is our time Press the reset button and go to the next thing.
Lunar eclipse in Virgo – Common sense things
With Virgo, Practicality will outweigh idealism.
Of course, this is not to say that 2 are mutually exclusive – exactly the opposite. Every Piscean ideal requires a Virgo system and framework to achieve it.
Every Virgo task, effort, or service behavior is not just about staying busy – it is animated by some kind of ideal, desire or greater legacy (Psces).
But, because this Virgo side That was eclipsed, We might explain things through the lens of Virgin Mountain – practical, concrete and rooted in common sense. Virgo entertainment is when we look at what troubles us or stops us and is evaluated from a humble, clear perspective of Virgo.
Do you feel trapped in some form “Impossible situation”just discovering a solution – usually a very simple, logical solution – Once was Right in front of you?
Especially when we get into the pre-stage of development (LEO) and are driven by pride. We resist taking certain steps – perhaps because we think they are true authenticity or even personal failures.
But in many cases, what we resist is actually the most logical, best thing.
This is not to say that the resolution of the lunar eclipse must be a humble, I was a painful experience. not at all. For many, it is a time of achievement – a moment when hard work ultimately pays off. Things we have worked for a long time are now getting fruit.
At this turning point, the key question to ask is: (No matter what happens in your life) Meaning – Beyond right, wrong or self? Will it add value to your life?
The most important thing is Virgo wants it useful. Virgo tries to add value to everything it touches. This is what makes Virgo feel fulfilled – bring value, find solutions and improve the physical world we live in.
In Virgo’s full moon eclipse, it’s time to give up pride, unrealistic expectations or attachment to outdated vision – just Do common sense things.
Virgo’s lunar eclipse – these aspects
Virgo full moon lunar eclipse form A square close to Saturn (It’s now 22° of Pisces), and I’m very nervous. Almost completely three points towards Uranus (Taurus at 24°).
This shows Systematic changes Or frustrating results are long overdue and almost inevitable. If something is built on an unstable basis, the House of Cards will collapse.
But if we put our work in and built something solid, Eclipse will provide the final work – handing over our keys to the ones we built.
So is the solar eclipse Loose June Mars, This is a positive signal of change. While the roads we have been may not look back, there is a whole new perspective ahead.
That being said, things may not be exactly the same as they seem. One day after the eclipse, the eclipse ruler, Mercury, retrograde – Almost like a The universe’s “waiting for the second” moment, We are asked to go back and review something important.
Perhaps implementation or breakthrough requires some follow-up action – ending the loose end, revisiting the details or completing the rest of the unfinished content.
As we are in the eclipse season, more details will unfold as Mercury goes straight on April 7, 2025.
Lunar eclipse in Virgo – What’s going on around you
The key to understanding **This solar eclipse – generally, bleak, transitioning from a broader perspective and life itself – ** Fundamentally, Things are exactly like it should.
As we embrace this mindset, it becomes easier to address the current situation and take the best course of action.
Regardless of the outcome of this solar eclipse, this is a logical solution for previous actions and choices.
Some of us may be satisfied with the results – some of us may be unhappy. No matter what happens, remember this: “The universe” is not “wrong”.
The universe can never be wrong. This is true, because if its law is flawed, it will not work properly. Yes – things seem unfair or wrong in the short term. But the universe is huge, smart and always in motion – constantly adjusting itself to bring the most natural and balanced results over time.
Therefore, if Virgo’s lunar eclipse We were surprised, maybe it wasn’t the universe that deviated from certainty – but our view. Maybe we don’t have all the information. Or maybe we don’t really align with reality about narrative or expectations.
There will most likely be no big surprise. Deep down, we already feel that this is inevitable.
Solar eclipses, especially lunar eclipses, and even more importantly, Southern dieting is a recalibration of the karmic scale.
Remind this What happened finally happened. Maybe in a slightly different form. Perhaps in a way that causality is not obvious.
But in a grand plan, resolutions – resolutions – are always the best way to move forward. Why? Because it allows us to close chapters that belong to the past – so we can move on to the next chapter.
In Virgo’s full moon lunar eclipse, ask yourself: What is the most natural action? What should common sense do?
And, if the choice is not your choice – then believe the universe has made it for you.
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