
Your weekly horoscope newsletter: (March 17-March 23)

This week, the Mercury retrograde in Aries has intensified, bringing communication challenges and profound insights. As we travel through the consequences of lunar eclipse, we are browsing a turning point before we reach the Astrological New Year.

The spring equinox on March 20 marks a major turn in the Sun entering Aries, which inspires momentum and courage after weeks of introspection. Meanwhile, Juneau and Vesta began their retrograde journey on March 19 and 21, respectively, asking us to rethink our commitments and our true sacredness.

To gain a deeper understanding of the change energy for March, download the March Sass forecast. This is a 32-page PDF report that includes detailed Zodiac predictions, cosmic calendar and mercury retrograde journal – absolutely free!

Eclipse truth, mercury chaos

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Baby, your fire is back, everyone feels hot! The spring equinox marks your personal new year and injects much-needed passion into your love life. That quiet crush may suddenly become impossible to ignore, and the relationship established benefits your new confidence. Don’t waste this cosmic reset on old patterns – the bold action now brings amazing rewards.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Sometimes fantasy is better than reality, but this week is not. With the combination of sunshine and Neptune, your romantic world is dreamy and almost the quality of a movie. You will notice the subtle gestures and self-evident intentions that usually fly under your radar. Pay attention to your dreams; they contain important information about your true inner desires. Just observe the trend of placing your partner on the pedestal. Even with rose-colored glasses, make sure you see the person, not just potential.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

That superficial flirting? It is about to become complicated. You crave material for style and find yourself mysteriously attracting people who challenge your perspective. The conversation that begins with the chat will soon turn into a soul revelation. Let it happen. Venus One-Sixth turns casual connections into something more interesting this week. Something that scares you a little bit may make you excited.

cancer (June 21 to July 22)

New season, new way of love, no longer hidden in that shell. With the dawn of the astrology new year, your relationship approach will get much needed refresh. Warming spring energy encourages you to express the feeling you’ve been keeping underwater all the time. Someone in your circle sees you in ways other people don’t – are you following? The spring equinox illuminates your social sector, and it’s the perfect time to extend your definition of romance to your comfort zone. The universe rewards those who dare to be vulnerable in the first place.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Commitment issue? I prefer the revelation of promise. Your freedom to be strictly protected may suddenly feel lonely, or a relationship that may have felt perfect seems to be limiting. Either way, this planetary transformation is driving you to redefine what loyalty means to you. As Juno turns to a retrograde, you are questioning whether your romantic rulebook needs to be updated. Someone you have in the past may reappear, asking for a second chance. Before answering, ask yourself: Is there anything really changing?

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Stop analyzing and start romanticizing. The beautiful alignment between the sun and Venus brings rare harmony to your love life. Your analytical mind will soften, allowing you to appreciate the imperfect beauty of human connection. Someone pays more attention to details than you realize because it makes them feel really seen. Create entertainment space without an agenda or expectations.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Beautiful destruction is needed this week. The spring equinox brings balance to the universe – but ironically, you ask you to have a little bit of an imbalance in your love life. The pattern that puts your relationship into a neutral one is ready to be released. Someone is waiting for you to show your card first. Astrology’s New Year allows you to allow asking what you need without worrying about a swing boat. Anyway it. The right people will appreciate your new confidence in your heart affairs.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Are you famous for this intensity? Guide it wisely this week. You will naturally attract emotional complexity, but sometimes simplicity will provide your own depth. Please note whether your investment is going back and forth or just accepting it. When Vesta turns retrograde in your logo, you are reconsidering where you have been putting emotional energy. This slow-burning connection you’ve been fostering may require more oxygen or less oxygen.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Diving deep and having your own feelings! Your social calendar is full of opportunities for meaningful connection this week. Someone appreciates your philosophical nature more than your adventurous spirit – incredible, right? The conversation about big issues in life can change unexpectedly. With Jupiter resonating well, your natural enthusiasm becomes irresistible for those who value authenticity over perfection.

Captain Mori (December 22 to January 19)

The control of the business you desire is not serving you well in terms of the heart. This week you are asked to surrender to something you hold on to in your love life. Maybe it’s an outdated expectation or fantasy that is practical fear. Someone responds unexpectedly gentlely when you show your vulnerability, not just your abilities. The powerful sun plant aspect changed an established dynamic on Wednesday, creating space for greater intimacy.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)

Your trademark detachment is sexy–until suddenly not. Community celebrations and spring gatherings illuminate your social sector, bringing surprisingly romantic potential. Your intellectual approach is to challenge through unexpected emotional connections. Someone sees the passionate idealist below through your cool appearance. They don’t intimidate them about your need for space, they are interested in it. Engaging yourself in a tradition that is often seen as a routine.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Keep the boundaries convenient this week! When the sun meets Neptune in your sign, the cosmic spotlight shines directly on you. Your natural empathy is intensified, creating an almost magical connection with others. Expressing oneself through creative channels is both cathartic and magnetic. Music sharing becomes an intimate communication. Poetry reveals that ordinary dialogue cannot. Remember: true romance needs to be realistic with magic. The Sun-New York union exacerbates your magnetism while blurring important lines – both charming and sober.

The wisdom of retrograde season

March has become a month for the universe to look back. With Mercury, Venus, Juno and Vesta retrograde, the universe seems to insist on us slowing down and rethinking before continuing to move forward with new energy in spring.

Historical retrograde wisdom:

  • Ancient culture: The period of sawing is not an unfortunate period, but a necessary review, but a period of reflection created before action.
  • Celtic tradition: Just like St. Patrick’s Day we celebrate this week, view the seasonal transition as an era that commemorates the past and the future at the same time.
  • Historical Marriage Customs: Those who avoided engagement during Juneau’s retrograde period believe that commitments made at this time require additional scrutiny.
  • Vestal Virgin: During the Roman period, when the divine flame (related to Vesta) needed to be reignited, it took a while of reflection to ignite the new fire.

These retrogrades are not punishments, but invitations. The delay of this week’s delay could actually be a divine opportunity – once the planet resumes direct motion, it is possible to create the space needed for more realistic motion.

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