
What is Planet Day? Your Astrology Guide

Planetary Day Discovery…

Did you know that there is a corresponding planet on the days of the week?

Monday is the moon day for almost every language in the world. However, it is best to use French to understand the connection between daytime and planets.

Lundi (Monday) corresponds to Luna – the moon. Carnival (Tuesday) is related to Mars. Mercredi (Wednesday) is Mercury Festival. Jeudi (Thursday) belongs to Jupiter. Vendredi (Friday) is the day of Venus. Meanwhile, Samedi (Sun) is the day of Saturn and Sunday (Dimanche) is the sun.

– What to wear every day of the week!

The mean girl says, “We wear pink on Wednesdays,” but astrologers know that Mercredi is a more suitable day for the era of food…

Monday, Lundy, the moon

greywhite, glowing skin, silver and pearls…

Traditionally, the first day of the work week is the day of the moon.

Thankfully, Luna manages grey, silver and white so you can embrace the back vibe with professional moonday charcoal, pigeons and monochrome.

Wearing silver jewelry, women’s clothing. Decorate yourself with moonstones or pearls and add a moon like a shimmer

Just like the moon peppers of the twelve zodiac signs – Cancer chicken, “Monday children are fair.” The logo is known for its light-toned luminous expression sensitive tilt. Cancer is the moon (Check out these gorgeous examples), sensitivity, contemplation and change.

Add a little bit of moon magic to your Monday!

Tuesday, Carnival, Mars

Red, black, sporty, camouflage, blush…

“Tuesday’s child is full of grace” because she can act like a warrior goddess.

Tuesday is Mars Day, the battlefield and the planet, so it’s a day to attend the gym! Mars’ enthusiasm is suitable for rebels and fighters, so use courage in the day’s outfit and action.

Just wearing military or camouflage print fashion can help you get energetic, confident and better focus and navigation. Or bold, sexy and aggressive, bold appearance puts people on their heads!

The Chinese also linked Mars to Tuesday, and the Japanese gave the meaning of “fire”.

Add a hint of blush, or simply increase your heart rhythm to a rose-colored blush.

Wednesday, Mercury

Instructions T-shirts, prints and patterns, yellow, cream, white…

Wednesday is a day that fully attracts the brain.

Mercury’s days are connected and become “broken” in your approach – curiosity and communication.

Some people think Wednesday is “Camel Day”, describing the middle of the work week, but you can jump with Mercury’s wings, skip and skip the aforementioned hump!

The poem reads: “The children on Wednesday are filled with scourges,” suggesting a disturbing, worrying energy.

While the true Mercury ruled that Gemini and Virgo might feel signs of anxiety, there is no need to overthink or get stuck on Wednesday. Raise your spirits (and others) with cheerful yellow, exciting and interesting prints and slogans T-shirts that speak – mercury.

Thursday, Jeudi, Jupiter

Purple and lavender, jeans, spirit, world traveler…

Thanks to Jupiter, Thursday was the day when the horizon was expanded through a vast approach.

This is a day to post, teach, learn, soar and connect with your spiritual self.

The ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, Jupiter is associated with royalty, prosperity, good luck and optimism. The planet was assigned purple-the color of wisdom and richness.

I was a child born on Thursday and its meaning always puzzled me – “The child on Thursday is going far…” I was born on the moon in Sagittarius and I was in Pisces halfway through. These two signs are seekers of knowledge and spirituality, full of love for travel and learning – we can always further into such topics.

So Thursday is a great day in jeans, if possible, reflecting an eager desire to enter the world. You can also wear purple accessories, lucky charm, and show your interest in travel or culture and nodding to pay tribute to your long-standing place…

Friday, Vendredi

Pink, pastel, plump lips, decorative…

Friday is Venus Aphrodite’s day, which means it’s time to socialize, art, flirt and have fun!

Venus is a planet of pleasure, harmony, fertility and charm. She worships her desire satisfaction – whether through candy, kissing or making money cash!

“Friday’s kids are full of love and dedication”, just like Venus’s generosity to her – happy!

The goddess of richness and money – Lakshmi is also related to Friday.

It’s the best day to beautify, and today’s best colors include pink, pastel and any shadows that promote peace, love and romance.

Saturday, Samedi, Saturn

Black, structured dress with dark lining…

Ruled by Stern Saturn: “Saturday children work hard to make a living.”

Serious, responsible and difficult, weekends bound by mature planets seem counterintuitive.

But we can train the planet into our clothes with stylish, streamlined blacks and vivid touches. It’s a great day to run errands and face any great work that hasn’t been done Monday to Friday…

Sunday, Dimic, Sun

Do your best! Eyebrow sun…

The sun shines on Sunday – at least metaphorically!

“Sabbath-born children are fair, wise, good with homosexuality.” Everyone loves to absorb the warmth and light of the sun with striking shadows. Be sure to bring your sunglasses to brunch and wear “best Sunday”!

Wear gold jewelry, gold or sunny yellow clothes. Make the most of your hair, champion!

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