
Starting with the ending – Big Sky Astrology

Respect your tools

I introduced a friend to my favorite YouTube channel, one of whom renovated two stone houses in the Italian Alps. Besides one thing, she also shot the video. “I don’t like how he handles tools,” she said. “When he finished using it, he just threw them to one side.” Damn words, from the practical Moon of Constellation!

Mercury is the planet of rules, not just the kind of planet you need to renovate a mountain cabin for centuries. If you are an astrologer, your tools include your Evermeris, software, astrology books and years of study; the writer has a favorite keyboard, a pen that suits them perfectly, a vocabulary that has gathered for decades. A mechanic has a precious collection of his favorite tools and has a deep understanding of motors and manufacturing; guitarists prefer specific drafts and strings and internalize a huge music catalog.

However, your tools are not the craft that makes you good at; they are designed to help you invisibly when you focus on the actual work at hand.

when Mercury combined with Saturn (February 25, 2025, PST at 4:02 am, Pisces 20º15), we collect and evaluate our tools. Do they meet the tasks we require? Are they worth the time and effort to maintain them, or should we upgrade to something? Most importantly, are they suitable for serious work?

Episode 279 | Pisces’s Crescent Moon + Venus Enters Her Incarceration! – Big Sky Astrology


Where does the idea come from? Ask anyone in the business of thought, anyone depends on the person they raise, and I suspect you will hear this:

The raw materials for thought come from hours, days, and years to collect information and impressions. We didn’t even realize we were doing this until one day we found ourselves calling our pets under the name of someone we worked with a few years ago and didn’t even get close to them – they just had a sticky name.

Anyway, it’s Mercury’s job to collect all the data. But how do you put this information together to form something more interesting than crossword responses, is it brand new?

All of this data requires catalysts, tips and matches to ignite it. when Mercury six-yuan Uranus (February 27, 2025, 1:38 am PST), some spontaneous combustion was imagined. So grab a pen, find the napkin, and apply a good idea to the back. This is lightning, so be prepared to bottle it if possible.

Episode 279 | Pisces’s Crescent Moon + Venus Enters Her Incarceration! – Big Sky AstrologyStart with the ending

How we understand Pisces’ new moon (February 27, 2025, 4:45 pm, Pisces 09º40’PSCES) is the last sign of the zodiac, which is committed to letting go of old luggage and releasing attachments? How do we start a new starting point when we succumb to the end?

Delightful songwriter David Wilcox has a song that says, “From the ending, this is the best starting point.” He thinks, for example, if you start breaking up, that Marriage will be much better because “the truth is certainly said without pretending.”

The ending is a process. This is a new moon that starts the process, which begins with letting go of pretending and telling the truth. Every new moon can have a shelf life, not only 29 days, but also three years. We are here to get out of the cliff and start a long and slow fall – this new moon is very important with how we start the process.

This is the Pisces in the new moon, with the northern node of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the moon, all in this sign! What you are, your feelings and thoughts, your secular plans, your spiritual core – they all hold hands and prepare for the leap.

But from 90 degrees, Jupiter in the Gemini conduit carries a series of problems, curiosity and distractions that are designed to make us attached to the current moment. How do you fall into the dream of release when Xip shouts loudly in your ear?

I want to remind you to let go of old stories. Stop harmful sounds. Ignore qualita. Reject option.

Focus on letting go. Focus on autumn.

Episode 279 | Pisces’s Crescent Moon + Venus Enters Her Incarceration! – Big Sky AstrologyIncarceration

A century ago, the term for a woman’s pregnancy was called her “incarceration” when she retreated to her home with a modest attitude and extra care for herself and the children she carried before the big incident. In a sense, this concept, although outdated, is inspiring for Venus’ retrograde time.

Venus retrograde in Aries This week (March 1, 2025, 4:36 pm), you will stand directly in Pisces on April 12, 2025. When Venus is retrograde, we should take good care of her and protect her. But Venus turns retrograde in Aries, which is a rooted, tootin’, highly independent Venus who doesn’t want to be stuffed. She was very anxious. She is determined to pursue what she wants – a partner, a home, a salary increase – she won’t let anyone get in the way of her. But maybe she could easily jump before her, too. Maybe she can spend some time avoiding mistakes.

Regardless of the position of Aries in your own birth chart, for the next 40 days or more, we are somehow under the Venus of Aries, and we will let us back for a minute or two and then go into our incarceration . In Venus, this could mean trying not to shop. Avoid buying expensive things like a home or a new car. Not to mention the lovely people you wish to date; they will still be there in mid-April, if not, then, I guess that’s telling you something.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean you are weak. It just means that from time to time, it’s better to back down, take a little rest, and prepare for the next big thing that is coming.

Episode 279 | Pisces’s Crescent Moon + Venus Enters Her Incarceration! – Big Sky AstrologyMobile Tools

It’s time to make room in the cabinet of my active client files. So one afternoon I went through everyone’s documents I’ve never heard of since 2021 and put them in a long-term storage box.

On Dinnertime, two of the customers booked with me to read.

I mean, it seems magical. why not? exist Feng Shuiobjects moving around are thought to activate their chi. Mobile cats’ neglected toys or cardboard boxes reignited their passion for it. and Mercury, the God of Logistics, Connecting the magical Neptune (March 2, 2025, 8:22 am PST), I think there is indeed magic in my heart. Mercury is the magician of the Tarot card, and all his tools are placed in front of him. But Neptune is a magic trick summoned with these tools.

When Mercury combines with Neptune, move the tool and summon some magic.

Episode 279 | Pisces’s Crescent Moon + Venus Enters Her Incarceration! – Big Sky Astrology

“Yes” a woman

From time to time, I was inspired to say “yes”. A few years ago, when I read Shonda Rhimes Yesdetailing the miracle of more things in her life. This happened again the other day, when my YouTube video popped up in my feed about how the Creator’s life was through the fate and positive impact of saying “yes” to more things.

The grandfather of these affirmative messages is Danny Wallace’s 2005 memoir Yesabout how the opportunity encountered on the bus led to his commitment to say “yes” to everything that lasted a whole year. The book details the journey of excitement and self-discovery, but also describes the emotional loss of everything from credit card offerings to suspicious social agreements and the loss of control over his choices.

These are Sun’s Square to Jupiter (March 2, 2025, 10:19 am, PST, 12º25′ Pisces and Gemini): The excitement and new possibilities of giants embracing Jupiter, but also the dangers of saying “yes” to too many, or safety.

But what’s going on: In a few weeks (March 12), the sun will be combined with Hall Honitor of the Solar System. At that time, any bad choices you made this week could be made at that time. So, this week, continue to say “yes”, but know that you have to answer Saturn as soon as possible!

Episode 279 | Pisces’s Crescent Moon + Venus Enters Her Incarceration! – Big Sky Astrology

Writing and Imagery©2017-25 by April Elliott Kent

For more information on this week’s Planet News, listen to my podcast!

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