Five reasons why Libra is dangerous: The dark side of Libra

When someone thinks of Libra, people think of a stoic zodiac sign. They are these Zen people who like to balance everything. They like things to be orderly and peaceful. Neutral, even. However, some people are wary of this zodiac sign. They will tell you all the reasons why Libra is dangerous! With that in mind, what is the dark side of Libra?
Is Libra dangerous?
First, we have to speak to the elephant in the room. Like any other zodiac sign, the locals in Libra have a good or bad side. When someone presses a button, they can be threatening. But when they are totally angry, you will understand why Libra is. Their kindness, orderly nature will be replaced by those who desire to destroy. This is why Libra is very dangerous. Once you’ve peed and let the guard down, you’ll ride a nasty journey.
So, why is Libra so dangerous?
Things that everyone can agree with can also make them threatened. They can turn the situation around at will and weaponize its positive characteristics. Their diplomatic, desire and easy-going nature can become something else. If they feel threatened, there is no doubt that they will revenge. When they do so, they can only pray that retribution is light.
No one tells Libra what they might do to angry people. They have a variety of options and are not good looking for the people they want to hurt. More importantly, these unfortunate trends cannot be easily detected. Libra locals are able to cover up their intentions well. Trying to know when they do suspicious things can be difficult. Given how they really and normally do most things, people can never really say it.
How dangerous is Libra?
Now that we have identified the negative trends for Libra, it’s time to see their reality. This is a very extensive list. Some things may even surprise you! After all, who would even expect some characteristics of Libra natives? But they are real and worth a look. This way, you will know how to manage the Libra that is about to explode.
Why is the danger of Libra?
1. manipulate
Needless to say, Libra is a diplomat of the twelve zodiac signs. After all, they know how to balance things. How they can talk to people or get into things by choosing can be impressive. But it was also the gift that made them sinister. If they feel that things aren’t going the way they want, they can use the natural charm. Or worse, they can count threats, coercion, or even straightforward blackmailers. Because they yes Talented speakers, their victims don’t even know they have been manipulated. By the time they do it, it’s too late.
They just don’t do that because they want something professional. Even doing a simple trivia for them may be a sufficient reason for Libra to manipulate someone. But they are careful not to use this talent all the time. They know how to lure people, hooks, threads and pendants. But they are smart enough to do this when needed. Otherwise, they are honest, trustworthy and understanding characters will fly out of the window. In most cases, they seem considerate when someone rejects them. In this way, they will be able to maintain a stoic and boring public view of Libra.

2. Master of liar
It is logical to follow manipulative veins and treat Libra himself as a valid liar. They know how to surrender people to their will. If anything, they can convince anyone about almost anything! Their lying skills can make people feel good about themselves on another level. A pleasant person if you want. Once they see that the other party has entered what Libra tells them, it will be too late. They can eventually convince them to do things they never thought of. This way, it can be linked to Libra’s meticulous manipulation ability.
Logic is what drives Libra to do things. It is therefore that they can make people persuasive lies. They will even make people question their memories and beliefs! This only shows how effective they are in doing things. Whether the truth has been twisted or not does not matter. For Libra natives who are lying, it is important that their lies are logical and watertight. Once you question what they say, it is difficult to determine the end of the truth and the lie begins.
3. Emotional transcendence
When someone wants to balance things in their lives, they usually don’t think about their feelings. After all, a person’s emotions can be harmful to their goals. They can stop you, which leads to various internal conflicts. By dividing things, especially feeling, everything can be more tolerated. Libra locals go a step further. They not only stand out emotionally when balancing things.
They are emotionally disconnected from everything. Even if things are intense in one way or another, they don’t feel anything. Of course, they are not robots. As humans, Libra can also connect themselves to people and things. But most of the time they just choose not to do that. This may be too troublesome for them.
This may be what makes Libra terrifying. If someone asks “What is the most dangerous thing for Libra?”, this may be the answer. Because they can consciously choose not to feel anything, they can be willing to do something unimaginable. They won’t even feel regretful about this! The next thing you know, they did something so evil and unspeakable. But, you might ask, what horrible things would Libra natives do? Excellent
4. revenge
It could be a twisted view of balance, where Libra locals want to come back with the ones who hurt them. If the world must be restored in the proper order, then improper yes revenge. It is an understatement to call Libra believers the Hamburger Code. In fact, they live and breathe the principle of “eyes of eyes!”. They will not hesitate to retaliate against those who offend them. It doesn’t matter who these people are, or what they did wrong. All Libras are concerned about is their exact retribution. And because they tend to be emotional, they are able to come back without regret.
Now you might say, persist, is that Scorpio stuff? But you have to remember that Scorpio is emotionally charged. They do this because they are passionate about it, even suspicious. They feel so strong about it that they will be their entire personality. Revenge, on the other hand, is just a logical step for Libra. It makes sense to make balance exist and then go back to another person. Once people question the motivation behind something, they just say that revenge is right. After all, for them, the measures taken must yes Return and vice versa. This is what makes the world better in Libra’s eyes.
5. Gossiper

Although a person can say that one gossip or both can not hurt anyone, it cannot yes Say when will Libra do this. If anything, it yes Ten times fatal! Given all the above characteristics, one can only guess that they are really good at spreading gossip. They are! They can spin almost anything and make people believe them without any doubt. After all, this makes you have a good conversation. And if Libra is good at something, it is communicating and connecting with other people in many ways. Even the ridiculous claim among the twelve zodiac signs can still be believed! Once they start to spread gossip, it no longer matters whether their claims are correct. All is a potential life change and reputational destruction event. This can be painful for the victim. Worse, it’s hard to track Libra natives who spread gossip. They know how to be unable to yes As the source of gossip, track it. Their victims have had serious consequences for the behavior of their Libra-oriented companions.
How do I know when Libra is in danger?
First of all, you won’t. Libra is very smart and knows how to convince others, anyone but kindness and kindness. But if you are lucky enough to stay intimate with people of this zodiac, try to observe them. You may not realize this, but you may have made subtle tips. The way their hands sway, the sound is higher or deeper, and even their eye movements will tell you a lot. If you know them very well, you already know when they will become evil masterminds.
After you have this information, observe another Libra. See which of these actions apply to the second person. Then compare and compare. While this may be an unscientific approach, it can at least help you. This will give you an idea of what to note for some people. If you are one of the people who want to help others, you can help Libra natives manage their behavior. They often don’t know their negative behavior and think it is inherent and cannot be corrected.
I’m a Libra, I’ve always done that. How to correct these destructive behaviors?
Before anything else, thank you for recognizing your behavior. Admittedly, doing so is a huge obstacle that you have to go through. Your whole life yes It was actually negative to do things in some way you didn’t know. Now you are ready to learn this behavior. It’s not easy to do this, but you can improve yourself if you really commit.
First, observe yourself. What triggers the above behavior? Does it happen often? Are you able to control them most of the time? Or is it prompting you to take all kinds of drastic actions that will not only destroy others, but also destroy yourself? By knowing when this happens, you will be able to learn more about yourself.

Next, consider how you can implement these behaviors. Manipulation, lying, revenge, gossip mafia and even emotional separation can be expressed in different ways. Determine how you do them and how they affect others. As objective as possible on this issue. Don’t be too easy for yourself, and don’t work too hard. If that helps, taking a third-person approach can actually help.
Third, consider the proactive ways you can object to these negative behaviors. You can explain yourself as clearly as possible. Then, if the other party still disagrees, respect them and move on. Don’t take revenge on others, but look at the situation and another person with empathy. Forgive, keep moving forward and learn from your experience. What’s important is that you can work hard. Your transformation will certainly not happen overnight. But if you yes Identify and promise that you will be a better version in due course.
End thought
Why Libra is a dangerous problem may also surprise many people. For others, it may even be unimaginable. But like any other zodiac sign, Libra has a dark side. This is why Libra is very dangerous. They don’t seem to have any malice, but they are totally evil in every possible situation.
Therefore, it is important that others know how to pay attention to these behaviors. The danger posed by Libra may not be significant. However, once someone is given as a victim, they may feel fear. It can then lead to unimaginable consequences for both parties’ lives.
For Libras who realize they do these behaviors, self-improvement is a way to do it. Accepting this negative trend is not an excuse, especially for adults. Continuously becoming a better person is the best choice for Libra natives to struggle on their own dark side.