Winter Solstice Beauty – Don’t hibernate!

How to prepare for the desolate mid-winter…
What is my top winter solstice ceremony? I recommend commemorating the longest night of the year by respecting your body, spirit and soul!
Discover my main skills and important things to remember at this time of year.
Focus on routine activities before going to bed. Find ways to end and get a sense of routine, no matter how much light there is outside.
Nature hibernates during this cold season, and we tend to hide. But rather than retreat altogether, treat your body like a temple. Make yourself a priority.
What is the Winter Solstice?
The winter solstice is Turning pointAs the sun moves from Sagittarius to Capri. It’s the longest night of the year.
The sun enters the four sun fire festivals or quarter of a day in Constellation, bringing Seasonal Change.
> Read more about the astrology of the Winter Solstice and Yuer here <
As Main logo (Like Aries, Cancer and Libra), Capricorn begins to change. This is the ideal time to mark the moment with rituals and recognize the turning point of time.
Candlelight is required for the longest night…
It’s time to bring light into dark spaces, using soft candlelight and slow down. Rest and recover! However, avoid light from your phone, which will keep your eyes tight and keep you awake!
This is my favorite way to acknowledge this seasonal difference.
5 ways to keep you in line with this season…
The nights during the winter solstice are long and dark, and many of us are tied together. When we put on the extra layer, we may forget about the regular TLC from head to toe.
1. Skin Savior: Cold Shower and More…
Therefore, suitable for entry points Capricorn Season.
Yes, Baby, it’s very cold outsideWoolen cloth
While it’s lovely to warm up in a stuffy sauna or steaming bathroom, it’s a must no Very suitable for skin Keep hydrated.
Stick to a brief shower to avoid drying soap foam. The squeaky cleaning is not as good as cleaning oil and scrubs. Remember, it’s cold and fast!
- skin: Now is a great time to replenish your skin. Saturn, ruler of constellation Be our guardian Genuine Derma – Saturn rules the skin. We can also reassess health and re-adjust the body – our bones (another one Saturn thing).
- foot Dry like old stuffing? I hear you. Save the soles! Soak the pottery in warm soapy water and discard until you are satisfied. You will thank me for being timely and prompt, you know that footsteps are easy, and the winter solstice ceremony can include moisturizing feet and sliding into comfortable bed socks! You may even like to wear a foot cover. Keep this most important tip in mind, especially if you wear sturdy boots this season! Treat pedicures.
- Lips: No one wants dry, ruptured lips to crack under a disgusting clock new yearThe mouth under the mistletoe is not a flake mouth either. Sadly, the truth is, the lips become so split In winter. if you Suffering particularly sore S-pricks avoid waxy, balm, and then choose a wool-based ointment. To remedy your lips, lips use scrubs in your daily work, Exfoliating Dead skin granules. This will make sure The moisture passes!
- Body: Popularize your lymphatic system and sweep towards the heart with body brushes and transparent brushstrokes…
2. Intoxicated by nature but Remember SPF…
You will feel the color of your cheeks as you walk briskly (or slow) in the woods (orDoctors in the UK are now prescribing nature Give them to their patients!) But don’t forget SPF (at least 30) because The winter sun still shines…
Lift your head in the smell and feeling of your surroundings It’s natural. Foundation looks bad on winter skin, so choose a dewy finish. Avoid powder and matte makeup. Exfoliate and use a creamy cream moisturizer.
Please avoid “Leo’s appearance”. Queens in summer, surrounded by bronze and tanned lioness rulers. Save this look for Leo season and Summer solstice….
3. The winter solstice requires silk to be static!
If you are easily flying your hair, use a silk scarf as a chic beauty accessory and tool to smooth the chain. Tie your hair neatly under your scarf and enjoy the salon moment when you arrive.
Ask Santa for a silky pillow!
You may want to invest in products like Moroccan hair oil to enhance your hair bundles. Rosemary, coconut and apricot oil are key elements for healthy hair. Increase shine and softness and lock in moisture with a homemade facial mask.
4. Winter Solstice Ceremony – Get cute eyelashes…
I’m a big fan of eyelash extensions because when my lashes want a little charm (if you know what I mean).
You can also invest well Waterproof mascara (For those wet and windy winter nights) or some corner eyelashes. But remember that this is not all perfect makeup faces. The most beautiful smile appears on the faces of those relaxed people. The holiday can be a stressful time, so beautiful from the inside out.
5. Disconnected!
The most important way to enhance beauty is to connect you with the winter solstice ritual. Meet your loved ones to confirm what is special and meaningful to you.
Since the beginning of the year, gather to recognize your achievements and bring ease and happiness. No expensive treatment is required when you are surrounded by feelings!