Astro Basics

Cardinal Water and Summer Birth

Cardinal Water and Summer Birth

In cancer, we discover the power of protective qualities, psychological sensitivity and creative action

Put the signs of cancer in seasonal cycles (June 21 to July 22)

Sweet, tenderness and protection are flooded with signs of cancer. But don’t mistakenly think that the trademark of cancer is gentle and that it is weak! Activity and power are core components of this logo.

The sun landed in cancer in June (or near the 21st of this month). This solar enrollment is particularly important because it marks the summer solstice, the official start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

You know, at this time of year, the air is just how Buzzing Frequently once, completely sensitive and full of vitality? These are the frequency of signs of cancer.

This passage Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology Very well said:

As the vibration of life gradually flows into the slower summer and the words, the huge impulse of spring power has stopped strong outward rushing… In cancer, people still feel the exciting feeling of spring and the quality of cardinal’s natural activities. , but the power of the new annual cycle is soft and soft.1

As the Gemini seasons (and the buzz that comes with it) fade, the relaxed atmosphere of summer takes root. Here, in the crab waters of cancer, we find a rich and wholesome appreciation of the simple pleasures of life.

Cancer characteristics and personality: lunar, water-like signature reflections

Moon awareness and signs of cancer

It is well known that cancer is sensual, emotional and self-protection. With the connection between cancer and the moon, it is easy to understand the reason.

The Sun and the Moon (“As Celebrity Among”) place their logo rule on the heart of summer, cancer and Leo. The richest man in Leo belongs to the sun, and cancer is given to the moon, full of lunar consciousness.

The moon controls memory, and cancer is a very emotional signal. Cancer tends to preserve its memory, establish physical and emotional containers to place it in aspects of its cycle back to the past.

Cancer, crab and water elements

Cancer symbolism is flooded. After all, crabs are cancerous animals. And just think about how the iconic moodiness of cancer reflects the ever-changing trend of movement…

Cancer Crab – Symbolically multi-layered. Crabs represent a dual consciousness because they live on water and land all their lives. Therefore, cancer finds itself in two-dimensional range: the water pockets of the emotional landscape and the more tangible reality of the outside world, and we see how targeted the purpose of this sign.

Cancer’s water symbol consciousness is also responsible for its intuitive gifts, dreams and imagination. But all of these fluid emotions need a container! Therefore, it is crucial for cancer, the family (or crab shell), which requires a hard exoskeleton. And, with the safety (and comfort) of its beloved home, Aquatic Cancer finds the support it needs to purposefully create its life in the world.

Base symbols and cancer movement

The four main signs are signs of activation. They are twelve-born kickers. They take actions to make the wheels turn, and each has their own style of main symbolic power.

Aries embodies the microcosm of confident yang movement. Aries initiates by pointing energy directly toward goals and desires. Libra is energetic by polarity, and is far more than Aries. The basic power of Libra is mainly concentrated on the back and forth activities of interpersonal interactions.

Capricorn is the opposite sign of cancer, using depth and stillness as the basis for action. Whenever I hear the mantra, “get rooted”, I think of signs of Capricornia.

Again, paradoxically, cancer makes things happen by moving from side to side. In cancer, action is done through a process of encirclement and weaving.

Cancer builds a shell to keep itself when exercising. So while cancer tends to be marked as a sign of a soft, lovely family body, we must never forget that cancer is actively creating from its protected space. After all, this is the sign corresponding to the chariot card in the tarot card, which describes the power, movement and the vehicle that drives all the actions.

Three tens of cancer

Each logo has three decans, also known as faces. Decans provides further nuance and complexity for zodiac signs. There is a poetic and mysterious quality on the face that you may get a taste when you read these short descriptions.

Cancer Decan I (cancer 0-9°) – Venus ruled the first decan of cancer, which expresses sweet, bonding energy. This decan corresponds to 2 cups in the tarot card. exist 36 sidesAustin Coppock wrote: “Love and need come together here.”2

Cancer Decan II (Cancer 10-19°) – Mercury ruled the second decan of cancer. Here, the divine energy is protected and cultivated. This decan corresponds to 3 cups. Austin Coppock3

Cancer Decan III (Cancer 29-29°) – The moon ruled the last decan of cancer. This kind of Decan needs to consider the pitfalls of lack and excess. T. Susan Chang wrote that this Decan and its corresponding Tarot card, “4 pieces of the cup,” “is like facing face to face with your own subconscious, or being absorbed in a dream, you know you’ll forget it very quickly.”4

The last sentence Signs of cancer Its crab expression

In cancer, we start to slow down from Gemini. We relax in the world around us while building and caring for it.

The signs of cancer are inherently rich. Jupiter is lofty here, and Venus has good dignity. These planets can enhance their lives through kindness and enjoyment, and the fertile field of cancer can easily do so.

Cancer has the power of quiet among the twelve zodiac signs. Here we encounter the activity of cardinal symbolic energy expressed through water, which triggers the motivation to build a world like home.

For more information about the Zodiac, check out your monthly sign!


Chang, T. Susan. 36 Secrets. Anima Mundi Press, 2023.
Coppock, Austin. 36-side: Decans’ history, astrology and magic. Sanshou Publishing House, 2014.
Oken, Allen. Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology. Bantam Books, 1980.

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