
The new moon in Capricorn – The ceremony marks this moment!

Capricorn’s New Moon – Write or clearly affirm what you want to bring and show it…

It is Capricorn Season Therefore, the crescent moon occurs naturally and resets in this sign,,,,, With the moon and the sun in Constellation Ri!

Read your zodiac sign hereAnd on this day, darkness and darkness and Quiet Real exercise weather…

According to experience, the new moon is:

  • Set intentions, plant seeds, plan and enter the interior,
  • Still, thanks to what already exists,
  • Silently use your intuition to gather what may happen,
  • Let go of expectations, release, surrender and exhale…

Here are my top 5 tips for the new moon in Capricorn…

1. Acknowledge ambitions – Show that you mean business

This is a great time to be ambitious!

look Tina Knowles Lawsonthe patriarch behind Beyoncé and Solange. She was the inspiration for her top daughter she raised while running a hair salon in Houston. Tina was born in the new moon in Capricorn and handled her business.

The new moon provides a new starting point – a new starting point – on the upper plate. It is always wise to have responsibility, to hold on to an authoritative standpoint, to master everything that has been passed.

This zodiac has the best energy to achieve goals, reach the top of the mountain and expand greatness. Meditation on the achievements you want to encounter and write them on black velvet paper to increase effectiveness…

2. No more I love you… Striptease, get serious!

Annie Lennox, born on December 25, 1954, the Sun, Moon, Mercury and North Node in Constellation Ri (Rise of Virgo)…

emphasize Captain MoriIt was a sensational time Serious Methods for all problems.

With the sun and the moon in this sign, we may encounter quite a lot cold. It’s not only winter (and endurance) time, the temperature has Falledemotionally, the moon in Capricorn is weakened.

If in doubt, please seek professional help.

Capricorn rule over skeletal structures and teeth, so the Crescent revolves around dental or orthopedic work resets your intentions. Maybe it’s time to take your healthcare seriously with a new way of health. Or maybe there is a guaranteed therapist or business coach.

3. Be hard and be able to shower in cold water…

This is a strong time!

Put aside the concept of fun and frivolity in a simplified way.

Capri Energy appreciates stylish, considerable clothing and updates your work wardrobe.

Brush the look and detox any old makeup to remove outdated and immature things.

Cultivate class, consistency and quality. Polished shoes.

4. The new moon in Capricorn? Make a resolution!

A new moon is the time to set your intentions and write down your resolution!

5. Facing your shadow, purge, and knowing that change is possible…

Tarot card Captain Mori yes devilshowing the horned goats of Mondes – Half a man, half a goat – Also known as Baphomet.

This card symbolizes the balance between good and evil, both male and female, human and animal.

We all have a dark side to us, we have negative traits, habits and tendencies, and the devil touches on this idea, but here Have a choice.

With the wings of a vampire bat (an animal that absorbs life and blood from its prey), at the feet of a devil, a man and a woman But please note that they did not go against their will -The chain around their necks is loose and easy to remove.

We might say that they choose to stick with it, affected by this creature, its influence Negative impact and instant gratification (short-term pleasure vs. long-term pain).

They have tails, symbols of their animal tendencies and primitive instincts, and grapes and fires on their respective tails represent pleasure, greed, desire and wildness, sexual abandonment.

In this new moon, there is a chance to make you consciously aware of your negative patterns – facing your own shadow, so you can empower yourself to take action to get yourself out of the control (and grip) of lower impulses: addiction​​ and basic behavior. Ask “Where am I selling my soul to the devil?” [fast fashion, smoking, sugar, money and prestige…]

Where is the devil?

Lighting your light is always on your way, releasing, clearing and releasing the grip.

May be required Willpower and power But this is possible.

Meditation on the theme of this card, even pulling it out of the deck and putting it on the crescent moon.

What to pay attention to is:

  • Your own devil – what you hold or who has an impact on your life
  • Your “line” and boundaries – Lines you don’t want to cross
  • Shadows the Self and What happens when you succumb to your desires
  • Negative habits, dependencies, behaviors, thinking patterns and relationships
  • Release addiction or attachment by surrender
  • Explore the idea of ​​darkness through detachment and where you control or obsessive
  • Healthy accessories tend to become badshared dependency.

Donna Summerthe sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and the moon born in Constellation Ri… + Annie Lennox, Zooey DeschanelTina Knowles, Tyres Gibson, Mackenzie Rossman, Tracy Ullman and Stephanie Mayer.

What are you going to do on this new moon? Let me know on Instagram!

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