We will only see magic – Big Sky Astrology

We only see magic
On the morning of August 7, 1974, Philippe Petit hung a high line between the unfinished towers of the World Trade Center and walked for forty-five minutes.
Like most amazing behaviors, this is a few years of production. It takes hours of research, a team of fellow citizens, and hours of practice with natural grace and balance. Not to mention the courage to ignore the realization of law enforcement.
Mercury triines Jupiter (February 3, 2025, 1:51 pm, PST, 11º16’Aquarius-Gemini) This week, in Airy Gemini, Jupiter pulls us toward the clouds, urging us to continue our spectacular adventures and impossible dreams. But almost all the dazzling Jupiter careers begin with Mercury, who wants to know: how to accomplish it? What do I have to learn and what skills do I have to acquire to accomplish this bold feat?
With Mercury’s perverted Jupiter, the breathtaking performance accomplishes miracle: making hours of perfection and planning disappear, so all we see is magic.
What are you missing?
What do you want is a life you don’t currently have? What prevents you from having it? What we are lacking is attributed to external circumstances. But while we may have to overcome many obstacles, we can almost always find a way to get closer to our passionate desires.
At least what that is Venus in Aries (February 3, 2025, 11:57 PST to June 5) said. The spirit of any planet in this sign is brave. This is not to say that Aries does not know fear, but tends to discover its motivation rather than paralysis.
What are you missing? Choose one thing. It should be something you like, which will give you delicious, venus fun; a specific bank balance, date with the people you find, is a trip to the world you discover the most exciting. For the next few months, place Venus in Aries to help you get it.
Ideas from the rest of the world
Retrograde since October 8, 2024, Jupiter Radio Direct This week (February 4, 2025, 1:40 pm). As a Jupiter retrograde person, I have front seats for both strengths and weaknesses. On the bright side, be confident in your beliefs and knowledge. During Jupiter’s retrograde, you may have experienced some of these. But the downside is resistance to the teachings and suggestions of others.
The confidence we gain in the retrograde season makes us more open to external opinions and inputs as Jupiter turns directly through transportation. Travel, take classes, hold book clubs. Share your own ideas, but also welcome ideas from other parts of the world.
Baking lessons
It’s a Saturday morning and you’re watching a cooking show. A talented pastry chef is preparing blueberry scones that look delicious and you want to skip the TV screen and swallow them. “It looks easy,” you think. “I can do those!”
When you start assembling ingredients, you realize it’s been a long time since the stuff is roasted. You don’t have enough flour and no heavy cream; will 2% milk work? It requires unsalted butter. You have salt. What could be the worst possible thing to happen if you use frozen blueberries instead of fresh ones?
The first section of the moon always wants to jump in and try something. this Taurus’ first moon (February 5, 2025, 12:02 am) is unpredictable Uranus, so start with a sudden impulse: I want that, I can achieve it! But this is also the Saturn that follows the six-dividing rules. Uranus will argue that you can replace certain ingredients with something else, you may be able to. Actually, you might come up with a more preferred scone. But if it were me (and surely from time to time), I would at least put Saturn on the case first and search for others to see what others did. It may slow down a little, but it’s much easier than going to a store, and the end result is still something unique to yourself.
Faith is our ally
Neptune and the North Node in Pisces From January 1858 to 167 years ago this week (PST February 6, 10:11 pm). The Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott was that a noteworthy event that took place within the months of the union was the declaration of African Americans, whether free or enslaved, No one can become a U.S. citizen, and Congress has no right to prohibit slavery in U.S. territory. Pisces is a sign of domination for ethnic minorities and immigrants, so it’s not surprising to hear about citizenship in news about this union, and I think we’ve heard some of it.
For individuals, this conjunction represents a choice between floating and a choice between safe or proactively steering the ship into unknown waters. When we do something new, we can never be sure it will solve it. But taking a new route will feel exactly like the right path. Faith will be our greatest ally.
The Sabian symbol of the conjunction is 29 Pisces. Prism. This shows that in order to see the truth in a complete way, we need to look at things from all angles and perspectives, and then, eventually, we do some gut examination of what is real.
Beauty is power
A few years ago, on the eve of my first book’s release, a very successful colleague suggested that I lose weight, thinking that my physical appeal would help promote the book. I’ve shared this story before and received comments that represent my anger. But from a strict practical point of view, this suggestion is not wrong. Beauty is a powerful tool that even writers cannot avoid public eyes in this highly visual era.
Venus is an astrological symbol of this magnetic beauty, and its sirens bring others close enough to appreciate what we also have to offer. Venus expresses itself through bright feathers, beautiful colors and charming forms that attract the eyes. She exists in all the ways we are fascinated by others and suck them into our tracks, and visual appeal is one of them, from fascinating book covers to beautiful writers.
Venus’s six-six to Pluto Later this week (February 7, 2025, PST 4:14) simply reminds that beauty is power. This week, you can access it in any form (words, actions, or beautiful pictures).
When I am a very young Leo, I am shy and quiet. I’m very close to a (and still is) more traditional Leo cousin – bold, outgoing and charismatic. And I can’t tell you how comfortable I feel in her shadow, the stress that is not noticed.
But now and then, I find myself in the spotlight for a moment. Even at the same time as my spectacular cousin, I suddenly stood out – usually my musical skills, or a funny, tingling remark.
Looking for such moments Mercury combined with the sun (February 9, 2025, PST at 4:08 am) and experience Kazimi Period (from February 8, 2025, 7:09 pm to February 9, 1:03 pm). When a planet connects to the sun within 17 minutes. This week, then, Mercury – the clown, who loves to stand next to the Royal Sun and make clever comments – suddenly takes his place in the spotlight. If you are the witty partner type, then you can, too.
What does your soul want to do
Mars trine Saturn (February 9, 2025, 5:15 AM PST) is one of the best aspects of getting the job done, personal will, discipline and perseverance done. When it occurs in the Earth logo, we measure the completion of quarterly revenue goals, building projects, and folders placed in the “Out” basket; in the air, by adding our social network; in the fire, by implementing excitement A project for the hearts of the people.
But because these two 3-pointers are in the water signs of cancer and Pisces, we measure achievement through heart connection and intuition. We see the union of this determined man who successfully gathers his warring family on the patriarch’s bed. The musician who writes the song; the private detective who solves the case through reasoning and intuition; the priestess who summons magic.
In this three-point aspect, forget to improve the bottom line, get more likes on the post, or perform in the barn; what does your soul want to accomplish?
Writing and Imagery©2017-25 by April Elliott Kent
For more information on this week’s Planet News, listen to my podcast!