
Weekly Astrology Forecast – March 10, 2025

Here are greetings from the astrologer’s weekly astrological predictions, which are March 10, 2025 to March 16, 2025:

It will be another busy week for us, with planets in Pisces and Aries, full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo and a planet (mercury) changing direction.

Everything begins on Mondaymost of the time in Leo’s moon against Pluto. This is usually a very vibrant lunar position, as Leo is a sign associated with warmth, generosity, vitality and personal charisma, with the focus on reveling in the present moment, embracing life fully, and setting your worries aside enough to bask in the sun in the light of the day.

But opposing Pluto can indicate conflict and power struggles, among other things. Especially because the same Leo moon can be conceited and powerful when challenged. If you feel the tension of others during this time, the best option is to get out of touch – at least until the moon forms more pleasant Mercury and Venus on the moon. Mercury combined with Venus Tuesdayas mercury moves forward, Venus moves backward (retrograde motion) until they meet in 8° Aries. This will happen again – though in reverse – in early April, retrograde Mercury caught up with retrograde Venus in late Pisces.

Venus is damaged in Aries (the sign of its fall), and Mercury is its esoteric ruler. They focus this energy on relationship issues. They add a layer of passion and depth to interpersonal interactions and may see more information about yourself (and how you feel and intend) than you plan to do.

Mercury/Venus connection can be pleasant. This is great for friends to have a relaxing chat with friends or flirting between love. Since Mercury’s regular communication and Venus is retrograde, this transit can indicate that the sound of the past reaches out to touch the base, or it can force you to reconnect with someone in your mind lately.

The Sun merges with Saturn Wednesdaybringing the structure and discipline necessary to set long-term goals. The Sun and Saturn are natural rulers against signs (with the Sun Ruling Leo and Saturn Ruling Aquarius), which may lead you to think they are not working well. But their teams in certain areas do work well.

They both drive, ambitious and motivated to make things happen, especially in areas such as reputation and public status. If you are planning for the future (whether that means your relationship, career or financial goals, etc.), now is the time. The Saturn/Sun combination is perfect for the work necessary to improve mental vibrations, as it occurs in signs related to empathy, empathy, intuition, and spiritual growth (PISCES).

At this point Thursday. It is also waxing – growing bigger – a full moon lunar eclipse expected to take place on Friday. The eldest son is the last stage before the moon becomes full, and is associated with analysis, accuracy and discrimination. This stage is actually very compatible with Virgo prototypes as they are all looking for ways to improve, perfect and perfect.

Inconsistencies with Venus and Mercury can describe the imbalance between the desire to be remedied for light or frivolous jokes (Venus/Mercury), and the need to pick each word that says (the moon in Virgo). As with all disagreements, the key is to find a way to resolve these internal conflicts, which often involves finding a happy medium between two competing desires. Since the moon’s transition is always short-lived, this situation is likely to be resolved alone in just a few hours.

In the early morning Friday In the United States (or later Thursday, in some parts of the country and in the western part of the world), we will have a full moon eclipse. It reaches the total at 23° Virgo 55′ at 6:43 am (UT).

The March full moon is known as the Crow Moon in Native American tradition. It is also known as the complete worm moon, the complete juice moon and the full sugar moon, etc. This year is also known as the Whole Blood Moon because the moon may have red castings during an eclipse.

Since all satellites are said to be concerned with areas that are affected in the chart (being affected by the location of the house and connection to other planets), you may see your own birth chart to see this will work for you. However, in general, the full moon is about getting perspectives in any living environment and solving its role. There is no room for blaming or rationalizing anything here. It is important to have incorrect ownership and what is incorrect in the world.

The Virgo Full Moon describes the need to study more closely the way we serve others. In what ways are we working to make the world a better place through a combination of self-sacrifice and self-improvement? This is the essence of Pisces/Virgo polarity, which illustrates the difference between hallucinations and facts. It’s about finding out the middle ground between finding out that we are so desperately believing (Pisces) and proving ourselves to be true (Virgo).

Because it is a solar eclipse, it can serve as a powerful channel for change. The solar eclipse brings greater awareness to anything that is no longer useful to you so that you can release or change it. It reveals what is suppressed or hidden, even from oneself, and the motivation to make changes.

Mercury moves backwards still Saturdayseveral times a year. This time it happens at 9° Aries 34′, and it is very closely linked to Venus (and is also retrograde at present). As always, we want to be prepared to work hard on making plans and developing expectations.

When Mercury retrogrades, the mercury stuff naturally starts to become a little hay. Communication tends to run AMOK, plans are turned on, communication devices (computers, electronics, cell phones, etc.) and written communications (emails, texts, letters, etc.) are lost or misunderstood. Now is not a good time to sign a contract or legal document, nor is it a good time to buy mercury-style items (cars, televisions, computers, etc.). Over the next 3 weeks it will remain retrograde when it will change direction again (this time forward) in Pisces 50 (April 7).

With the end of the weekend – Sunday – The Libra moon has no aspect (a square of a square) to greet us for the rest of the day. The moon/mars aspect is usually temperamental and reactionary. They may become irrational, irrational and defensive. They are also known for making people create mountains from Molehills or to draw conclusions. So it’s not time to press anyone’s button or allow yourself to be pressed. Especially nowadays, Mars, cancer, can be said to be the gentlest placement of Mars among all people.

Fortunately, the moon’s transition is short-lived, and this combination may only have a short-lived effect. Since the moon is involved, we can expect to see emotional and psychological effects, not material or external. And because it is in Libra (Libra known for diplomacy and reconciliation), it is hoped that any disagreement can rest in peace before the moon becomes invalid.

That’s it. See you next week!

This is the Astro calendar for this week. Click it to view at full size.

Consider learning astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s chart explanation manual and Demetra George’s astrology.

Steven Forrest’s Inner Sky and Change Sky Books are classics that every serious astrologer has in the library, as are Tracy Marks’ art of graphical interpretation.

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Weekly astrology predictions

March 10, 2025 to March 16, 2025 I video

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