
Venus’ retrograde in Aries – The heroine’s journey –

March 2, 2025, Venus turns retrograde Aries at 10°.

Venus resumed her direct movement as Pisces on April 13 as 24°.

We have 40 days to get deep. We have a 40-day walk The road to the heroine’s journey – Face our desires, face our fears and regain our fire.

Venus is a complete coincidence of retrograde 40 days. number 40 In almost every tradition, it is sacred and is often associated with the fulfillment of promises-but The only one After a period of testing, testing and reflection.

The purpose of a “experiment” or retrograde period is to guide us back into our hearts – helping us reconnect with our truest desires and helping us discover what really matters.

VenusOur sister planet is The brightest object in the sky (after the sun and the moon). She affects us deeply and our lives affect in profound ways when she changes direction.

Venus retrograde periods are particularly important because they bring Inner Change and Priority Change. This is when we re-tune what we really want and finally make up our minds (or ours) Heart) About important matters.

Venus and Venus Dance 8-Year Cycle

The Venus cycle is different from any other planetary cycle because they repeat in exactly the same area of ​​the sky 1 degree).

In any given century, Venus The only one Retrograde in 5 signs: AriesGemini, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Venus retrograde cycle repeats every time 8 years (or afterward 5 Venus retrograde). Every 8 years, Venus returns to the same part of the sky, activates the same area of ​​your birth chart.

This means that every Venus retrograde will reverberate 8 years ago,,,,, 16 years ago,,,,, 24 years agoetc.

Venus retrograde 8-year cycle

This special Venus retrograde March – April 2017 and March – April 2009. Venus revisits the same area of ​​the twelve zodiac signs every 8 years to inspire familiar themes.

Some people – especially those with planets or angles Pisces and early Aries – Repeat patterns or major life themes may be noticed.

If it were you, it is a powerful time to reflect on what happened during the previous Venus retrograde and pay attention to any similarities.

If some difficulties occurred in the previous Venus or Pisces retrograde, that doesn’t mean that this particular Venus retrograde will work in the same way. There will always be other factors at work, and we all grow, develop and gain wisdom as we age.

Regardless, reflecting on your past Venus retrograde experience is a very useful exercise – it can help you discover relevant topics that you may want to pay attention to during this time.

Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces – Key dates and aspects

Every Venus retrograde cycle is Venus – SuenlianThis is the turning point of Venus’ transformation from Late Star Enter Morning Star. This is the key date of the cycle.

What makes this particular Venus retrograde cycle unique Transition from Aries to Pisces. When in Pisces, Venus will occasionally meet Neptunethis North Nodeand Saturnpoint to Reawaken your dreams That used to feel lost.

This is an invitation Reignite something worth exploring. arrive Remember the whispers of the soul I have heardbut most importantly – to commemorate promise It needs to go A long road Dreams need to be brought to life.

A promising feature of this Venus retrograde cycle is that it starts with Venus Jupiter and Jupiter six minutes in Gemini. This shows that the internal work we are doing now will help us Grow and expand in meaningful ways.

Venus ends with her retrograde journey Conjunction orbit to Saturnremind us An important commitment:
Grow fully into bold independent expression
Venus in Arieswe must also be rooted in things that are greater than personal desires – a A deep commitment to the truth of the soul (Venus in Pisces is a common Saturn).

The retrograde in which Venus begins to flirt with Jupiter is very interesting and holds hands with Saturn. If we want to reduce The whole retrograde to a linethis will be:

“It’s all possible for you – if you’re committed to the path of the soul and willing to do the job.”

This is the most important date for Venus retrograde in Aries:

  • March 2, 2025 – Venus retrograde Aries at 10°
  • March 10, 2025 (plus a few days) – Venus becomes invisible
  • March 23, 2025 – Venus sunshine In 2° Aries – Venus in the heart of the sun
  • March 27, 2025 – Venus (Re) enters Pisces
  • March 28, 2025 – Venus connects Neptune Pisces at 29°
  • April 1, 2025 – Venus North Node Pisces at 27°
  • April 3, 2025 (plus a few days) – Venus is Morning sky
  • April 7, 2025 – Saturn of Venus Pisces at 25°
  • April 13, 2025 – Venus travels directly Pisces at 24°

Venus retrograde brings focus to 24° Pisces – 10° Aries Area of ​​the chart. If you have planets or angles in the area, you will feel the impact more intensely.

But everyone experiences the impact To some extentespecially when Venus forms key aspects with other planets – As shown in the highlighted transit date.

Venus retrograde in Aries – The heroine’s journey

All Venus retrograde is an inspirational journey into the underworld – but when Venus retrogrades in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is the sign of heroes, we know we really Entering the heart of the heroine’s journey.

Venus retrograde is often compared to the decline to the underworld: a part of us must die so that a new version of our own can appear.

One of the most important myths related to Venus retrograde is The Sumerian story is the decline of Inanna to the underworld.

Venus descends to the underworld

Sumerians are Sumerians of Venus and goddesses of fertility and prosperity.

The myth of Inanna entering the underworld is the allegory of Venus’ retrograde cycle:

  • The story begins with Inanna decides to descend to the underworld Visit her sister Erishkigalthe goddess of the underworld. For Sumerians, Venus disappeared under the horizon Venus enters the underworld.
  • With Inanna passing 7 doorsShe is in every Deprive old identity and release the attachment.
  • When she finally arrives at the underworld Her sister killed her – This symbolizes the stage Venus is the sunshinemark a start The new Venus cycle. To be reborn, part of us must die first.
  • Erishkigalthe goddess representative of the underworld Our Shadow Sidemust be recognized and integrated.
  • Eventually, an envoy from Earth rescue brought her back. she is Resurrection and return to Earth – This reflects when Venus reappears in the skynow it has become Morning Star.

The myth of Inanna is Venus retrogradeWhen Venus comes from Evening to Morning Star. Just like Venus rebirth, this time it was rising in the morning sky, Your new version will appear.

If we compare Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Journey arrive Inanna’s heroine’s journeywe noticed obvious similarities. The Venus cycle is about Descend to the underworldand then return. But unlike the hero, Inanna did not venture into the open world.

She travels to Metaphor of the underworld. When Venus retrogrades, this is not the outside world we are asked to conquer – It’s us.

Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Two aspects of female psychology. The journey of reintegration is not done outside, but heart.

There is no dragon to kill. It is Our own shadow We must integrate. Yes oYour own dark side We were asked to meet with compassion. It is Our unspoken feelings and desires We are invited to respect.

Venus retrograde is a journey to our hearts. But how do we find the way there?

Venus retrograde in Aries – 40-day heart search

We do what Inanna does- we look inside. Inanna spent 40 days On her journey to the underworld. Jesus has spent 40 days Overcome his suspicion in the desert. Buddha Fasting and Meditation 40 days Before reaching Samody.

All these journeys One thing: Deep reflection and introspection. When Venus retrograde, we were invited to stop and see – What really matters to you? What do you really want?

Then, take a layer deeper. Listen to your Aries Inner Warrior and heroine:

  • Where do you feel unworthy or insufficient?
  • Where did you get told You’re too much emotion? your The fire is too intense?
  • Where do you draw the lines? What is it Not negotiable?
  • How do you need rise And show the world who you are?

Aries is our instinct knowledge We’re under the noise. Aries is Deeply adapt to yourself – real Self, no mask. Your Aries interior goddess is not a Barbie doll. She is not a loyal companion. She is not your world, telling you to be.

Aries’ retrograde Venus will remind you of the original, unapologetic beauty of your true self.

This is important. That’s your blueprint. Everything else can be built from this foundation of authenticity, possession and total embrace.

As Venus moves in the second half of its cycle (combining Neptune, North Node and Saturn) together – you will find that the desire of the heart is not only floating into the clouds. It becomes a compass, which leads exactly where you are going.

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