
Passionate Journey – Big Sky Astrology

A passionate journey

Since February 14, a deeper, smarter, smarter Mercury jumps to the fire in Aries first (March 3, 2025, 1:04 am PST). Here, Mercury prefers to move quickly, think quickly, and speak faster. This is not to say that we have forgotten the gentle wisdom of the Pisces journey. It’s just that Aries tends to be more interested in new challenges and new ideas than in soul exploration and reflection.

Enjoy mercury in Aries; it can be an exciting influence and a lot of fun. Yes, this is not the best place to keep the details working or tedious. Between March 14 and April 7, it has entered a retrograde period (Pisces between March 29 and April 15) – retrograde never makes Aries happy. However, once you go straight to Aries, Mercury will enjoy uninterrupted full speed until you enter Taurus on May 10. You will enjoy the second part of the Mercury Zestful Aries tour and will be even more ready for a new project after the retrograde.

Episode 280 | The Sun Meets Mars: The Hot Dance! – Big Sky Astrology

No hidden truth

Aries, Mercury becomes one-sixth of Pluto (March 5, 2025, 5:13 am, PST, Aries and Aquarius 3º). It became the second dichotomy on March 25, while Mercury was retrograde, and after turning directly, it will be a second dichotomy on April 20. So this week is the beginning of a three-part Mercury-Pluto story.

The plot of this story is the realization that you have been telling yourself for years that many things about yourself and others are wrong. They either got wrong from the beginning or became wrong over time. Now, Mercury and Pluto are interacting, and these truths are not hidden. Especially in mercury in Aries, this combination can be harsh, blunt, and even rude. Ten must be calculated before the speech. And putting yourself in interest can focus this compulsive direction on health, such as handicrafts, puzzles and even computer programming.

This aspect is beneficial when used consciously. Its keen observational ability helps research and troubleshooting and discovers trouble before being involved in situations or relationships that may eventually prove destructive.

Episode 280 | The Sun Meets Mars: The Hot Dance! – Big Sky Astrology


Gemini’s first moon (March 6, 2025, 8:32 pm) In Pisces, this challenge is presented to the dreamy, imaginative sun: Notice.

This is the potential tension of the moon in the first quarter of Gemini: The sun in Pisces is good for the moment of luxury, tasting it like a good wine or a delicious dream. But the Gemini Moon instructs us to be alert and curious. If you’ve ever been sitting and the rest of the dinner party plays your knees with irrelevant meals, you’ll know what it would be like in the first quarter.

The first quarter moon marks the first chapter in The Moon Stage Family Cycle, beginning with the new moon on June 6, 2024. In that challenging new moon, the Sun and Moon are closely linked to Venus and the square Saturn of the two countries. In the first quarter, the sun was fused together and the moon was normal to Neptune again. This is the first action point in the moon cycle, and what Gemini’s movements usually say. However, trying to communicate when Neptune is involved can feel like struggling in Quicksand. No matter what we say, we seem to encounter a firm misunderstanding.

Feeling that I was not heard. But, for the past nine months, someone in your life may have been trying to tell you something, and while you might think you’ve been listening, maybe you haven’t heard it yet.

Episode 280 | The Sun Meets Mars: The Hot Dance! – Big Sky Astrology

Energy fire

Sunlight triple Mars This week (March 7, 2025, 9:13 pm, Pisces and Cancer 17º52′). Put this on the calendar because it’s a huge aspect to put some of the best efforts and promote them without bookings. The combination of the Sun and Mars, even in the soft signs of Pisces and cancer, brings together confidence and creativity in the energy fire.

During a week like this, we want to deal with every challenge and get the attention of the world. Sun on Sabia symbol 18 doubles: A huge tentevoking the carnival tent of the depression era, performers carry dazzling stunts, and the Bible belt missionary conveys the word with bubble speeches. Mars suffers from 18 cancers. Hen scratches her chick – After all, performing for the world is one thing, but we also have to provide it to those who rely on us. It’s a week to present our best energy, our most charismatic selves, our greatest gifts; it’s glad that they almost certainly provide what we need.

Episode 280 | The Sun Meets Mars: The Hot Dance! – Big Sky Astrology

Writing and Imagery©2017-25 by April Elliott Kent

For more information on this week’s Planet News, listen to my podcast!

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