Astro Basics

Based on the meaning of Jupiter – Based on astrology

Abstract art, a cathedral of people in the color of Birght

Jupiter provides abundance and moderation. Wealth, celebration, ritual and luck all correspond to Jupiter.

Jupiter ruled courts, higher-thinking and educational institutions. Morality, respect and honor also belong to Jupiter’s realm.

Jupiter is a huge cheer. Jupiter is generous, charitable and optimistic, and is also supreme, conceited, praise and reputation.

Thursday is Jupiter’s day. Jupiter’s number is 4.

Aquamarine, blue and purple are the colors of Jupiter.

Generally speaking, Jupiter ruled wise, jury, law, lawyers and legal affairs. Integrity is Jupiter. Excellence is Jupiter. The scriptures, holy things, religious music and prayer are Jupiter.

All places of worship belong to Jupiter. Universities and other higher education institutions and charitable organizations are ruled by Jupiter.

Counselor, professor, divine and philosophical doctor, scholar, financier, donor, judge, lawyer, person involved in religious or mysterious work, including pastor, pope, dream interpreter, psychoanalyst, astrologer, astrologer And doctors, such as doctors and therapists, are Jupiter’s children. The Duke, Duchess, Earl, Earl, Emperor and Empress are also ruled by Jupiter.

Dignity, form, etiquette and excellence are all Jupiter. The Knight is also Jupiter.

Jupiter is loyalty, luck, love for happiness and kindness. Jupiter is also wisdom, authenticity and wealth. Reaperful, full and harvest belongs to Jupiter

Investments, permits, fines, donations and compensation belong to Jupiter.

Tin is the metal of Jupiter. Amethyst is the stone of Jupiter.

Jupiter is both hot and humid, and is optimistic in temperament.

Inside the body, Jupiter controls thighs, liver, blood sugar levels and fat. The tolerance of the feet, binge eating, sturdyness and deformity all correspond to Jupiter. The plumpness of the abdomen and hair also corresponds to Jupiter.

Whales, elephants and other large animals are ruled by Jupiter.

The grand, impressive building is Jupiter. At home, Jupiter stipulates places to store expensive items, including wardrobes and wine cellars. Places of worship or places where religious or spiritual objects are preserved are also areas of Jupiter.

In Horary, items related to wealth and law, Jupiter represents sacred objects such as Maras, rosary and amulets.

Jupiter’s herbs include sieve, nutmeg, cloves and sage. Chesnat and figs are also ruled by Jupiter.

In the tarot card, the Wheel of Destiny, the Moon and the Main Arcana’s Temperament/Art Card are related to Jupiter. The 4th of the minor Ao Can is also related to Jupiter.

Image of twin women with snake and apple: Jupiter in Gemini: May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025Image of twin women with snake and apple: Jupiter in Gemini: May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025

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