Astro Basics

Variable Earth and Summer Harvest

Retro style 3 corn ears as symbol of sign of Virgo

Virgo is an organizer, fixative and cheater. This is because Virgo is very committed to making things right and building the physical and mental processes into more feasible forms.

Virgo provides exquisite wisdom to the zodiac. Through Virgo’s energy, we take some measures and refine it. We respect life by investing time to manage, shape and bring order to our reality.

In Virgo, we find the logos of editors, accountants, bookkeepers and professional organizers. Critics, inspectors, researchers, proofreaders, personal assistants, conservationists and nutritionists all work as a Creditor, delving into details and bringing life and organizational life into more digestible forms.

As a variable sign, Virgo is responsible for bridging the state of existence; in all these sequences we find the process guiding the transition. The Virgo season reaches the end of summer, which is an important task to get us out of the summer enjoyment and into the more focused rhythm of autumn. Cooling temperatures inspire Virgo’s wisdom to help us rule, recall and reorganize new parts of the annual cycle.

Put Virgo in seasonal cycles (August 23 to September 22)

The abundant harvest works quickly and there is no sign of knowing this as Virgos. In the Virgo season, we bask in the sun and soak in the sun, enjoying the light in the atmosphere, but at the same time feel the attraction of redirecting our energy from the midsummer expansion.

In the Earth Sign Energy of Virgo, we find a vibrant redirection in the great resonance of the Leo season. The natural world provides us with harvest during the year Virgo, as well as a responsibility to lean towards the land. Under Virgo, we purify, prepare, split, organize and prepare ourselves for months.

Although many of us no longer work on the land, and even fewer of us depend on harvest to survive, these rhythms remain in the wisdom of our bodies. We naturally feel moving inward and redirecting at this time of year. Whether it’s back to school, back to work, or another individual away from the luxury of the Leo season, humans usually become more focused at this time of year.

Planets of Virgo: Focused, efficient and driven by perfection

Zodiac energy color planet expression. Planets take certain methods, patterns, and styles according to their sign placement. In Virgo, we find planets related to the physical world, as well as psychological strategies that help them organize and construct material reality.

Mercury has a lot of purposeful power when placing it in Virgo. Mercury rules and The sublime in Virgo provides a unique dignity for this position. As a result, Mercury’s efficiency and practicality can be fully utilized here. The Virgo Mercurys have dedicated and detailed thinking and are able to put their intelligence into practical use.

Jupiter and Venus, on the other hand, struggle in Virgo. These are beneficial planets, and naturally tend to be relaxed and enjoyable. However, the hard work and picky nature of Virgos makes it difficult for beneficiaries to find the openness and satisfaction of their thriving growth. Virgo focuses on details. For Jupiter, this makes its vastness and depth stand out. For Venus, details may mean a constant pursuit of perfection and beauty.

In the sunshine in Virgo, solar warmth is specialized and purposeful. The Virgo Sun usually needs to be useful to others and may be very ambitious in pursuit.

The moon in Virgo is equally a desire to help and support. This position can provide form and structure for the moon often overly emotionally oriented, but limits the moon’s ability to soften and find comfort.

And Saturn in Virgo has doubled its perfectionism. This position provides strong focus and constraints, but tends to put it too far.

Virgo and the Body: Ruler of Digestive Process

Virgo rule the abdomen. The small intestine and pancreas are the main organs associated with Virgo, and it is not difficult to understand the reason. These organs are involved in the digestion and assimilation of foods absorbed into the body. Typically, the digestive process is dominated by Virgo, reflecting the variability of the sign.

Virgo is earthy, but the ruler of Mercury shows its overall relationship with the psychological process and the physical and mental. When the vibrant expression of Virgo is stuck on the head, we lose the stability of the soil connection. On the other hand, healthy, balanced Virgo energy is both rooted and agile and able to fully maintain and support us in the necessary transitions.

Virgo Characteristics and Personality: The earth expression of formation ability

The sign of Virgo is a symbol of the Virgin, that his prototype has the wisdom of self-enterprise. As Eleanor Barz wrote God and the planets“Limiting yourself, not pouring out rather than giving is the essence of a virgin.”1 However, in Virgo, we find it very important in the behavior of providing services. This logo Do Provide yourself very carefully.

Virgo tends to keep their energy off, thus retaining internal resources for the right efforts. They like to feel useful and tend to be very dedicated and hone their skills in the world. So we find that Virgos are usually the owner of their crafts, constantly doing the work to get better. Moreover, Vigos wants not only to be a better version of himself, but also to improve the world around him. In this regard, we find that Virgo tends to be overdoing, tends to find faults, criticize or even intolerant.

Virgos are both variable and feminine, so acceptability and impressionism are at the heart of this iconic nature. Virgo has a way of energy and expression. Virgos can be easily formed and molded, which sometimes makes them labeled as “good guys” and at other times, they label them as imitation.

In all the picky and intentionality of Virgo, we find a unique brand of softness and warmth that is very similar to the late summer sunshine. Those with this position have a plain energy that can be expressed through a serious attention to detail and a real focus on happiness. Here we discover Virgo’s ability to accept in the role of parenting and therapist.

Virgo decans and tarot card communication

Virgo decan I (0-9° Virgo): 9 disks

Virgo’s first decan is ruled by the sun. Here we discover the humility and diligence energy expressed by Virgo through care and appreciation. Decan’s energy is filled with productive will. Dedication to the small steps that make up the larger process can be found here.

Pentacles’ 8 cards show patience and perseverance. Related to this decan. On Thoth deck, it has a discreet name and carries the image of a large tree with eight full flowers posted on it. The theme of honing your craft is at the heart of this card. exist 36 SecretsT. Susan Chang wrote: “When you draw 8 pentagrams, it’s time to harvest your own light – what talents and skills do you have to provide the world, and what should you do to perfect it?”2 Through Virgo’s first Decan, we discover a thoughtful commitment to the tangible process we create and produce.

Virgo Decan II (10-19° Virgo): 9 disks

The second Decan, ruled by Venus, tells a story about the conflict between perfection and imperfection. Here we experience the process and pressure of turning things into ideal forms.

exist 36 sidesAustin Coppock wrote: “Alchemically, this face provides a lot of beauty and offensive knowledge of the many things throughout Magnum Opus… The residents of this Decan are responsible for the ever-changing The world guides and shapes a great work at a micro level.”3

Virgo Decan III (19°-29° Virgo): 10 disks

Mercury rules the last decan in Virgo, where we see the climax of the dirt process. This is the last time before the vernal equinox, when the darkness begins to take over, lending to the themes of final, ending, death and old age. Through this Decan we encounter Mercury’s connection with the underworld.

Due to Mercury’s domination and Virgo’s sublime, wisdom surrounding money, wealth and material reality is the key theme of this decan. With the conclusion of soil experience, transformation occurs. “The power of this face brings all material processes to their end, while revealing their full value and terminating them,” Coppock wrote.4

The last sentence about Virgo wisdom

Virgos are often known for their picky and critical tendencies and are a sign of dedication and diligence. Here we find that the wisdom of mercury is applicable to the realization of life.

Spanish philosopher José Ortegay Gasset once said: “Great is not great for people who do not have small things.”

We find this wisdom reflected in Virgo, who knows that small things are important. Here we meet the soft warmth of Virgo, its gentle consideration of the earth and its gifts and the willingness to play a small but important role in the enormous experience of this life.

For more information about the Zodiac, check out your monthly sign!


Barz, Ellynor. Gods and Planets: The archetype of astrology. Chiron Publications, 1988.
Burke, Kevin. Astrology: A comprehensive guide to classical interpretation. Serendipity Press, 2001.
Chang, T. Susan. 36 Secrets. Anima Mundi Press, 2023.
Coppock, Austin. 36-side: Decans’ history, astrology and magic. Sanshou Publishing House, 2014.
Oken, Allen. Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology. Bantam Books, 1980.
Starsky, Stella and Quinn Cox. Genderology: Astrology of gender and gender. HarperCollins, 2004.

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