Episode 277 | Leo Full Moon: Crossing the Desert! – Big Sky Astrology

Episode 277 | Leo Full Moon: Crossing the Desert!
This week, sunshine and Mercury clashed with unpredictable Uranus and had an exciting but potentially destructive impact on the Leo full moon on February 12 – the changes on Valentine’s Day may still be in the air. Mercury enters the gentle, imaginative Pisces to extend accommodation. When the transiting moon nodes oppose your birth moon node, the listener’s question is about the node opposition. Also: Camel talk, long-term navigation treasures, garbage trucks and storage units!
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[1:20] Mercury Uranus (February 10, PST) is at 23°18′ Aquarius and Taurus. Mercury on the Sabian symbol 24 Aquarius, The man turns to his passion and teaches from his experience. Mercury tells a new story to Uranus’ square, learning new things, and especially teaching new things. [2:50] Uranus is still at 23°19 (February 11, 11:30 am). The two will re-engage with August 24 on May 17 this year and object on November 21. The Sun/Uranus aspect tells a story of personal freedom and genius and how it can be developed by standing up for oneself and for existing challenges. Wisdom and rules. [5:44] Moon report! The full moon is located in Leeeeeeoooooo (February 12, PST 5:53 AM PST), located at 24°06’LEO-AQUARIUS, awakens our creativity and needs entertainment and romance. The moon in Sabia symbol 25 Leo, A big camel crosses the desert. It is a symbol of self-sufficiency and a reminder that self-expression requires personal downtime. [8:55] Lunar Family Period (LPFC). This is the full moon in LPFC, which starts at 23°17’Leo from the new moon on August 16, 2023. The first quarter of the LPFC is May 15, 2024, at 25°08’LEO, and the last quarter is November 11, 2025, at 20°04’LEO. [10:32] On the Road (VOC) Moon Period. On February 10 (5:49 am PST), the moon in cancer is Neptune in Pisces. It has lasted for 3 hours and 12 minutes before entering Leo (9:01 am PST). Intuition and sensitivity are the characteristics of this VOC moon. But practice separating your feelings from others’ feelings. Practice empathy, but don’t forget the boundaries. [11:47] On February 12 (11:12 am PST), the moon in Leo opposes Mercury. It is VOC for 5 hours 55 minutes and then enter Virgo (PST 5:07 pm). This is a VOC period that creates a habit to make decisions or communicate with your mind together with your heart. strike a balance between logic and emotion. [12:27] On February 15 (12:35 am PST), the moon opposes Neptune. It is VOC for 3 hours and 10 minutes and then enters Libra (PST 3:45). Build relationships with the art, the spirit, or someone who inspires you in some way. When you meet those people in your life, develop the habit of developing these relationships. [14:02] Mercury enters Pisces on February 14 (4:06 am PST), which is a sign of its fall and damage. Take a deep breath and melt into heart-to-heart communication. Catch up for sleep. Deep in music and poetry. Mercury will leave Pisces for the last time until April 15 due to the upcoming Mercury retrograde period. [16:40] Listener Judy asked the propagation of the lunar node against the Natal Lunar Nodes. Check out Episode 188 to see node returns. [22:15] If you want to answer a question in a future episode, leave a message for a minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrogypodcast or email April (at)BigskyAstrology (dot)com; put the “Podcast Question” In the subject line. Free ways to support podcasts: Subscribe, like, review and share with friends! [22:48] Tribute to this week’s donors! If you want to support the show and receive donor-only videos from April’s visit to Bigskyastropod.com and donate $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation for any amount or become a continuous monthly contributor.Writing and Imagery©2017-25 by April Elliott Kent
For more information on Planetary News this week, read my column!